Frequently Asked Questions

ATM Debit Card FAQs

Yes. The daily limit for all members is $4,000.00 for POS, and ATM limit is $505.00 and cannot be increased for security reasons.

Contact the Credit Union immediately to have the card blocked. If the Credit Union is closed call 800-500-1044 to block the card.

The funds may come out immediately from your account or the merchant may place an authorization to hold the funds until they are withdrawn from your account.

No. We do not charge our members to use a SeaComm owned ATM machine.

There is not a charge for the first eight transactions. After eight transactions there is a $2.00 fee per transaction. Balance inquiries are $1.00 for each for inquiry. This is deducted from the Share account.

No, there is no charge.

With valid identification, you can reset your PIN number at any SeaComm location immediately. If you are unable to visit one of our branches, you can request that your PIN be reset by phone and it will take approximately 7-10 business days to receive your PIN via US Mail.

Electronic Services FAQs

You can call or stop by any SeaComm location and request an access code to view your account online. You will be issued a temporary password and must change it after your first successful login.

It’s easy to enroll in Billpay. Just login to your Access Digital account and click the "Bill Pay" link under the "Transfers & Payments" drop-down menu to access the short enrollment form.

The first step is to add a payee, the person or company you wish to pay. Here’s how easy it is:

  • 1. Log in to your account and click the "Bill Pay" link.
  • 2. Click the "Add a Payee" button on your home page dashboard.
  • 3. Enter the requested information. Typically this information can be found on your latest bill statement.

Once you add your payee, you can start making payments in seconds.

Yes, you can. Once you enter Access Digital, choose the "Accounts" option from the menu and click on the “Apply for a loan” link.

You must contact the Credit Union to unfreeze your Access Digital account. Your funds are not frozen. It is your access to your account online that is frozen.

Mobile FAQs

Access Digital enables you to connect your SeaComm accounts from your mobile phone or other hand-held device. You will be able to easily access your balance information, transfer funds or even find a branch or ATM.

The service is FREE - SeaComm does not charge a fee for online or mobile banking. However, your mobile carrier may charge you standard fees for internet access. For more information about these fees, please contact your carrier directly.

You can start using Access Digital once you've enrolled. You can do so by clicking on the "Don't have an account? Enroll" link under the sign in button on the login screen.

Download the SeaComm Access Digital application from the App Store or Google Play Store. For security purposes, the first time you login you will be prompted to check your email or SMS for a one-time PIN to register your device.

For your security we use MultiFactor Authentication. When you log in for the first time we will send an email to you that includes a one-time PIN with instructions to complete the MFA process.

Yes. Once you log into Access Digital, you can access Bill Pay through the main menu.

Yes. Mobile devices must be registered during the setup process and unrecognized devices will not be allowed future access to your account information. In addition, data is encrypted between SeaComm and your device. Still, you must follow reasonable security precautions. As with any electronic banking service, you should never share your account number or password with anyone.

Note: Like any computer, your web-enabled cell phone or smart phone is susceptible to viruses, malicious sites and applications. Please be sure to use the same caution when opening emails, clicking on links and surfing the web via your phone as you do with your computer.

All data transmitted during the use of Mobile Banking is protected by 128-bit SSL (Secure Sockets Layer) encryption technology, providing one of the highest levels of security for protecting confidential transmissions of data. The encryption process converts all transmitted information into strings of unrecognizable data, such that even if the data transmission were to be intercepted and recorded, no sensitive information could be retrieved from its contents.

Yes. All of the accounts that your social security number is connected to will be visible within Access Digital - both online and mobile platforms.

Your account information is protected by your unique username and password combination. Never share that information with anyone. You should also contact SeaComm to let us know. We can discuss additional security options with you at that time.

Yes, up to five mobile devices can be registered with Access Digital.

General FAQs

SeaComm has a Call Center that receives all incoming calls. The Call Center is located in the Main Office in Massena. Your call can be redirected to whichever branch you choose.

Yes, we have coin counting machines located in all of our locations. If you have an account with SeaComm, there is no fee.

Recently there have been attempts by fraudsters to trick people into revealing their personal information, such as passwords and account information, by creating fake websites that look very much like the sites of legitimate financial institutions. They send out emails randomly with links to these fake websites. This phenomenon is called Phishing, (pronounced “fishing”).

Yes, you can both use the same computer to login to your individual credit union accounts. There is no limit on how many people can login into the credit union web site from the same computer.

Loan FAQs

Interest accrues daily on all SeaComm loans. Therefore, your loan payoff is recalculated every day and your payoff amount will change.

Yes, you can have your loan payments transferred automatically from either your savings or your checking account. This can be done in a number of different ways, so please call a SeaComm Representative for the method that is best for you.

Member Services FAQs

If you use your debit card to make a purchase, the company may place a hold on the funds until they submit the actual debit. This means that although the money is in your account, it will be withdrawn in the very near future. A hold placed on a check deposited to your account will also cause the available balance to be less than the actual balance. Please keep in mind that your savings account must always have a $5.00 balance. That $5.00 is held in the savings and is not reflected as being available.

You can have another person added to your account by stopping into one of our offices and requesting that the person be added to your account. We will need the person being added to your account to come in with two forms of valid identification. We need all of the account holders to sign a new signature card before the new name will be added to the account.

The joint owner must sign a form to have their name removed from the account. The form is available with any of our Member Service Representatives. You can also download the form, fill it in completely and mail or bring it into any location. The form must be signed signed in front of a SeaComm Representative or a Notary Public.

To protect you from Identity Theft, SeaComm requires that you sign a change of address form. If you are unable to come in to one of our offices, a written request with your notarized signature will be fine. If you have access to your account through Access Digital, you may change your address there also. A signature is required to change any address unless it is done on Access Digital where we have already properly identified you.

Download the Address Change of Address Form

You should first try to contact the company that debited your account to resolve it with them. We recommend this method first, because it is the quickest way for you to have the money returned to your account. If you can not resolve the unauthorized debit with the company, please come into one of our offices immediately. We will have you sign an unauthorized debit form. There is a $25.00 fee for this service. We can start working on having your money returned once we have your signature on the form. At that time, we can also establish the method of debit and how to stop it from occurring again.

For your convenience, you can download the Notice of Unauthorized ACH Debit Form

A stop payment can be placed on any written check for a $25.00 fee. If the check was done by phone, please call for more specific details. A check done by phone can clear in many different ways.

You can have money wired into your account as well as wiring money into another financial institution. If you are having money wired into your SeaComm account, please call the Credit Union for specific instructions. There is no fee for incoming wires. If you wish to wire money into an account at another financial institution, we will need the financial institutions specific wiring instructions. There is a $25.00 fee for outgoing domestic wires, and a $25.50 fee for outgoing international wires.

The routing number for all SeaComm accounts is 221376539.

A courtesy pay fee is part of the Over Draft Privilege Program. A courtesy pay fee is deducted from your checking account any time SeaComm clears an item from your checking account that causes your account to go into the negative. The amount of a courtesy pay fee is $25.00. The fee is deducted from your checking account at the same time as the check or debit is cleared. With ODP, SeaComm will not return your check to whoever tried to cash it.

We strongly advise that you close that account, and reopen a new account. Please look under ID Theft on our Security Center page for more specific information on Identity Theft.

We must receive a request from you before either card can be ordered. An ATM card is used primarily to receive funds from an ATM. You must have a checking account to request a debit card. Debit cards allow you to access your funds through an ATM machine as well as make purchases anywhere that Visa is accepted. We accept requests for these cards in person or via the telephone.

Download the ATM/Debit Card Request Form

If the funds are transferred from another SeaComm account, they are available immediately. If cash is deposited, it is available immediately. If a check is deposited it may or may not be available immediately. Upon deposit of a check you will be made aware of any holds that may be placed on the check. The holds are done for many reasons and can be explained individually at the time of deposit.

Deposits made through the ATM machines will not be available until the deposit is verified. Deposits are verified on the next business day after a deposit has been made.

Night drop deposits are posted to accounts on the next business day. Saturdays are not considered business days. A deposit made on Friday evening will not be posted until Monday morning.

Yes, you can mail in deposits. Please make sure to specify the account number to which the deposits are to be made.

Your first check order must be made by telephone or in person at any SeaComm location. This allows us to verify who you are and protect you from Identity Theft. Once you have completed your first check order, you can reorder using the online link.

No, all transactions done during business hours are credited for that day.

If you don't find your answer here, send an email to
Emails are responded to as soon as possible, Monday - Friday between 8am and 5pm or you may contact our Call Center at 800-764-0566 or 315-764-0566.

Contact Us

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  • Address: 30 Stearns Street, Massena, 13662

  • Phone: 800-764-0566

  • Phone: 315-764-0566

  • Email:

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SeaComm is committed to providing a website that is accessible to the widest possible audience in accordance with ADA standards and guidelines. We are actively working to increase accessibility and usability of our website to everyone. If you are using a screen reader or other auxiliary aid and are having problems using this website, please contact us at 800-764-0566. All products and services available on this website are available at all SeaComm branches.